Dr. Xianyuan Zhan is a research assistant professor at the Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR), Tsinghua University. He received a dual Master’s degree in Computer Science and Transportation Engineering, and a PhD degree in Transportation Engineering from Purdue University. Before joining AIR, Dr. Zhan was a data scientist at JD Technology and also a researcher at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA). Dr. Zhan previously led the research and development of AI-driven industrial system optimization products at JD Technology. He has published more than 50 papers in key journals and conferences in the field of Transportation Engineering and Computer Science. He is also a reviewer for many top transportation and computer science journals and conferences. He is currently a committee member of China Computer Federation-Artificial Intelligence & Pattern Recognition (CCF-AI) Committee.
Find more at https://zhanxianyuan.xyz/.
Ph.D in Transportation Systems, Civil Engineering, 2017
Purdue University
M.S. in Computer Science, 2016
Purdue University
M.S.E. in Transportation Systems, Civil Engineering, 2012
Purdue University
B.E. in Civil Engineering, 2011
Tsinghua University